Friday, October 19, 2012

Manchuria / Inner Mongolia

Sorry. As it turns out I kind of hate blogging.
This trip was fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. I'm so glad I got the opportunity.

The first train was 28 hours long. It was brutal, especially since you couldn't use the bathroom when the train was stopped. Also it was a squatting toilet. Squatting toilet + moving train = not good. We were in the hard sleeper cars, so six people to a berth.

We eventually arrived in Hailaer

And had some delicious Korean barbecue.

The next day we went to Hailaer Cultural museum

Later that same day, we went to the Hulunbeier grasslands

There were dogs

And pretty views

We slept in yurts

And danced around a bonfire

I woke up early to watch the sunrise

And then went on a hike

We saw some horses

And a castle...

And then I rode a (different) horse!

And wrestled.

We left the Hulunbeier grasslands to go to Manzhouli. We checked into a hotel on an hourly basis to shower, and then we left again to go to Harbin. On the way there, we stopped in this park that had a bunch of Russian nesting dolls.


We picked up some oreos. It turned out that they weren't oreos, but were actually olios, and looked like this:


You could buy the tigers live animals to eat

There's one eating a chicken

After that, we went to dinner at a "red" restaurant. They sang songs about Mao. There were lots of drunk happy people singing along.

Street food. "Food".

 We also went to the Sophia Cathedral. It looks like my pictures for that didn't upload. It wasn't that impressive, but I'm a little bit spoiled when it comes to cathedrals.

After Harbin we took a train to Antu/Erdao Baihe. Worst train of the three. There were roughly ten million drunk Chinese men SCREAMING on the bunks below mine while I was trying to sleep. Not bringing my ipod was a bad decision.
We ended up in an ethnic North Korean village

We learned how to make kimchi

and how to hammer dough

One of the group members had a birthday

Then we went hiking

There were some pretty views

And streams

This was our camping site

This was our dinner

Then we hiked out of the forest and got on a bus to Tianchi.

There was some decent scenery

There were also hotsprings, where they boiled some eggs and corn

More korean barbecue for dinner

Birthday no. 2 for lunch the next day in Hunchun

We were pretty excited to be on the North Korean border

North Korea

We stayed in Hunchun for a good three days, and I'm surprised I didn't get more pictures of the place, because it was awesome, also because it was the longest we stayed in any one city. Anyway, in Hunchun we went to a lecture on North Korea and to a high school's field day. The rest of the time was just spend exploring the area and going to bars. Then we took another train back to Beijing, but this time it was only 24 hours instead of 28 :)

Sorry for the month long hiatus! Half of that was partly due to this trip, the other half because I've been lazy. I will get caught up in the next few days, probably.

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