Saturday, September 8, 2012

Haven't Been Doing Much Lately

Welp, I haven't updated since Tuesday. That's quite a while ago.
I thought my Chinese roommate was supposed to move in on Tuesday, but it turned out that she didn't move in until Friday/Saturday. I'll get to that later.
Wednesday, I didn't have class until 5:30, so I didn't do anything until 5:30. I am such a winner. I did homework at least, that's something. And I didn't even sleep in that late! Only until like 9:30! What? The class on Wednesdays (Mondays also) is amazing. I love it so much. I think I mentioned this last post. But seriously I adore this class.
I can only remember the big things that happened on the days that aren't today, since my memory is terrible, so I'm sorry that I'm not giving you full details on EVERYTHING that has ever happened to me since I came to China. I apologize.
I went to Chinese class on Thursday. I cannot remember what I did the rest of the day. This is a little bit sad, actually.
Friday. That was yesterday. I can remember Friday. I went to class in the morning, then napped for a little bit. Best idea ever. I woke up and then went to go meet my Chinese roommate! She is great! Her name is Wu Nan and her English is way, way better than my Chinese.
That's her! And some flowers on my campus, which is BFSU!
Then we had a meeting on what to bring on our two week trips. I'm going to DongBei - we are traveling from the Russian border to the North Korean border. Or vice versa. I can't remember if I mentioned that already. Again, bad memory. I figured out that I needed a few things that I did not bring with me, like a winter jacket. Doh.
Right after that, our roommates were in a meeting, so we went to the zoo market to see if we could find some stuff to bring on our trips. I kind of went crazy. I got a pair of jeans, two sweaters, some leggings, a shirt, and a watch. I have a ton of stuff to layer with now, which is good. It's only going to go down to the low 40s though, which really isn't that cold at all. Whatever. Now I have more clothes. After we got back from the zoo market, we went to dinner at the Japanese curry place on campus, which wasn't bad, and then we came back and did some sort of meet your roommate speed dating thing. We went around trying to introduce ourselves to as many people as we could, but it was so noisy in the room that we couldn't really hear anything at all. That's okay. I know my roommate's name, which for me is quite an accomplishment. I know the name of one of her friends, too! After that I met up with a friend from high school who is also studying in Beijing this semester. First time I've gone out at night since I've gotten here. And it wasn't so bad! I went with my neighbor and we went to a noisy bar and a noisy club, then gave up and went back to their apartment to hang out. Also we got McDonalds which I feel kind of guilty about. We will say it was for science. Had to compare America's McDonalds with China's McDonalds. The big macs aren't that different. In China there is a little less sauce. Then we came back and couldn't get in the dorm building. Kind of panicked a little bit because we were both SO tired and the fuwuyuan didn't wake up to open the door for us, but one of the RAs came down eventually. Not sure if that to let us in or because she was down there doing something else anyway, since she came down with another student.
This morning I woke up and met my roommate and a few of her friends for lunch at 11:30. The food was really good. I didn't get a picture of it but everything was delicious. After that a group of IES people went to a sporting store. I got pretty much everything I needed for the two week trip, including a winter jacket and some sweatpants and stuff. Not even going to attempt to look presentable. Shopped around for a bit, bought some slippers, then I came back and went straight to dinner with Wu Nan.
 SO MUCH FOOD! Black rice porridge (had some other fancy name that I forgot) - top left, fried lettuce - middle left, custard buns - bottom left, some sort of beef (maybe pork?) quesadilla-type thing, but without cheese - top middle, Fried pumpkin thingees - bottom middle, fried dumplings - top right, pumpkin rice porridge - bottom right. We also got garlic chicken wings but they came after I took the picture. And I didn't get Wu Nan's beef and scallion rice porridge in the picture either. All in all, super tasty.
After that we went to the Chaoshifa market where I got a few things I needed, like shower shoes. Unfortunately, my feet were too big to fit into these:
I honestly can't believe how cute everything related to babies is here.
Other than that, I came home and started writing this blog post.

In other news, my computer started doing this:
Kernel panic. I couldn't even screen shot this, I had to take a picture of my computer screen like an idiot. This is the equivalent to the PC's blue screen of death. This has happened twice since I came to China. So that means my computer is probably going to kick the bucket soon. But luckily for me I have the best parents in the entire world, and they are bringing me another computer when they come to visit in October! I love them.

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