Sunday, September 2, 2012

天安门 和 故宫 (Tiananmen and the Forbidden City)

Okay, I guess I haven't posted in a while. Friday, I went to classes in the morning and lunch in the afternoon. It was American food, and it was expensive, so that kind of sucked. Free beer though. After that we went to the zoo market. I wasted a whole bunch of money there. I only bought a wallet, which was cheap enough that I didn't bother trying to haggle, and a tee shirt. The woman selling the tee shirt would NOT haggle with me, so I just bought a tee shirt that I didn't even get to try on for 100 kuai, which is really only 16 bucks, but that's still more than I should be paying here. On the way back from that market we stopped in another store where everything was 20 kuai, 3 bucks. I got seriously screwed over. Friday was just a bad day in general. Whatever.

Saturday we went to Tiananmen and the Forbidden city. We got on a bus and first went to the Beijing Urban Planning Museum, which was really cool. Not very big. Here are some pictures!

There were a lot of to-scale replicas of Beijing. Which is a REALLY big city.

Next we went to Tiananmen Square.

It really was just a big square.
Onto the Forbidden City. The history teacher at IES was our guide. He knows a whole lot about Chinese history.

After that we hiked up a hill that was just outside of the FC. You should have seen how polluted/humid/foggy it was. Jeez. Quite pretty though.

 Mmm.. pollution.
 And then there were random dinosaurs everywhere? Yeah, I don't know either.


After that I went out for Beijing roast duck with two friends. It was okay, pretty expensive, but definitely an experience that you need to have if you're ever in China.

Today my roommate moved out. I cleaned my room and did laundry, did some homework, then went out to get dinner with a friend. We got ice cream! Yup. Now it's time for more homework.


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